Scholarship Opportunities
at the 2021 National Convention

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Ascend is proud to continue the long-standing tradition of honoring scholastic excellence and contribution to the community through our Scholarship Program. Exemplary students will be recognized during the Scholarship Presentation at our Annual National Convention.

Ascend is grateful to its generous sponsors for their ongoing commitment to the community, and for continuing to offer the scholarships that provide educational support and career development opportunities to students.

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 Our Sponsors

Application Details:

  • Ascend membership must active/paid at the time of application

  • Complete online application and provide proof of enrollment and GPA

  • Sponsors have specific requirements which are outlined in the application form

  • Winners must attend the Ascend National Convention (virtual); Scholarship recipients will be given a Convention Pass to the event

  • Awards will be presented by the sponsor at the (virtual) Scholarship Presentation on August 25, 2021 (time TBD). Winners must be present to receive the award

  • Several scholarships are available to both international and domestic students

Application Deadline: July 15, 2021 11:59 PM ET

The application window is now closed. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted in the next few weeks

Applicants may apply to multiple scholarships, but can only be awarded 1 scholarship.

2020 Virtual Scholarships Memories