August 15 to 17
Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California




About Ascend National Convention Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

The 2022 Ascend Convention hosted August 15-17 will offer CPE-credit eligible sessions. Each eligible session runs for 60 minutes. Those who would like to receive a certificate of completion will need to complete a session-specific survey that will be emailed separately to them after the convention.

Below is the list of CPE-credit eligible sessions this year:

Monday, August 15 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM:

  • Elevate: Managing Cross-Functional Teams [Early Career]

★ 1 CPE-Credit Eligible | Field of Study: Professional Development - Non Technical  

  • Managing Middlescence in an Era of Great Resignation [Mid Career]

★ 1 CPE-Credit Eligible | Field of Study: Professional Development - Non Technical

Tuesday, August 16 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

  • Managing & Resolving Workplace Conflicts [Early Career]

★ 1 CPE-Credit Eligible | Field of Study: Professional Development - Non Technical

  • Myths of Asian Leadership [All-Levels]

★ 1 CPE-Credit Eligible | Field of Study: Professional Development - Non Technical

Wednesday, August 17 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

  • Thriving in Remote and Hybrid Work Environments

★ 1 CPE-Credit Eligible | Field of Study: Personal Development - Non Technical

Survey Instructions

Survey Completion Deadline: Monday, September 19, 2022

Clicking on the survey will take you to a log-in page. You MUST log-in to an existing Ascend profile (member or non-member).

If you do not have an existing Ascend profile, please register for a new account. You can register as a professional member (fee required) or a professional non-member (free account).

If you have an Ascend profile but have forgotten the log-in information, please contact us at Membership_Helpdesk@ascendleadership.org

Once you are logged in, find the webinar that you attended from the list below, and complete a short survey. 

What Happens Next?

Upon survey completion, your completed entry will be recorded under the Professional Development section of your Ascend profile.  Select the Certifications/Programs tab where you will see a list of the completed sessions.  You can print or view your certificate of completion by clicking on the blue dot next to each session that is eligible for a CPE certificate.

Questions? If you have any questions, please contact: CPE_Helpdesk@ascendleadership.org