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Ascend Midwest: ERG Eats

The last eighteen months have stretched Asian ERG leaders across the country and the world. From the StopAAPIHate movement and public incidents in Atlanta to pushing for Asian representation at senior levels, many of these leaders have asked, "Now what?"

Ascend Midwest is excited to bring together Asian ERG leaders from companies across the Midwest to discuss what's next in terms of programming, events, professional development, and how to connect their members to people outside their company.

We invite two members of each Asian ERG to join us for ERG Eats, our twice-a-year forum for ERG leaders to connect over lunch. We'll facilitate discussion, share lessons, and inspire one another with what we're seeing in each of our respective organizations.

Contact info: Aaron Fung (

Event time is 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM CT

ERG Eats New.jpg
June 10

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