August 15 to 17
Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, California


July (Virtual)


July 2022 (Virtual)

Agenda is subject to change. Eastern time zone.
Speakers & topics TBA


Mentoring Sessions for Professionals

Please click the links below to directly join the zoom meeting at the appropriate time. All meetings are in the Eastern time zone.

Asking for a Promotion

Jimmy Kang, Partner, EY

July 26, 3 to 4pm

Managing Up

Maclar Ampanas, Audit Partner, EY

August 1, 3 to 4pm

Preventing Burnout at Work

Damaris Perez, Tax Partner, Crowe
August 9, 3 to 4pm

Mentoring Sessions for Students

Please click the links below to directly join the zoom meeting at the appropriate time. All meetings are in the Eastern time zone.

Soft Skills: Why they Are Important

Nikita Behl, Compliance Analyst, TD
July 15, 3 to 4pm

Effective Job Search Strategies in Virtual Environment

Cheh Kim, Senior Information Specialist, FDIC
July 22, 3 to 4pm


To learn more about Ascend Cafe, visit: https://www.ascendleadership.org/ascend-cafe